Is the online learning good in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic? The case of EFL learners


  • Markus Deli Girik Allo Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja


learners’ perception, online learning, COVID-19 pandemic, EFL learners


The purpose of this study is to investigate the learners’ perception on online learning in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. This research applied qualitative method. The subject of this research are the learners of English study program of UKI Toraja. The instrument used is semi-structured interview. Thus the pandemic of covid-19, the researcher interviewed the learners by calling them by using WhatsApp application.  A thematic analysis was employed in the current study. The study showed that the learners’ perception on online learning reveals that it is good in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. They perceived online learning is very helpful in the middle of pandemic. This study not only report that online learning is good in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic but also spotted the light on the availability of internet access, financial issue, and online learning implementation. At the learners’ condition in terms of financial issue, they hope that lecturers make use of facilities such as free Messenger application in Online Learning System. In the light of the availability of internet access, they said that individual tasks are better to keep the distance physically due to pandemic, they need group tasks to help friends who do not have an internet pulse and access. About the implementation, they hope that material and assignment must be preceded by explanation. Thus, they recommended that Voice Note will be effectively used when giving instructions. It implied that the material and instruction implemented by the lecturer in the online learning were not easy to use.


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How to Cite

Girik Allo, M. D. (2020). Is the online learning good in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic? The case of EFL learners. Jurnal Sinestesia, 10(1), 1–10. Retrieved from


